Milk Products: Your Partner in Healthy Eating

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Dairy products are a dependable source of up to 15 essential nutrients that each play a role in supporting good health throughout life. Keep reading to learn how milk, cheese and yogurt contribute to your healthy eating goals every day.
Dairy, your dependable daily dose of essential nutrients
Milk is an ingredient of choice for health because it contains 15 essential nutrients, including “complete” protein, which provides all nine essential amino acids in the proper proportions. Milk also provides a highly bioavailable form of calcium along with vitamin D, both of which are key nutrients for bone health.
Think the nutrients in dairy are easy to find elsewhere? According to data from the most recent Canadian Community Health Survey conducted by Statistics Canada and Health Canada, calcium intakes have fallen in the Canadian population over an 11-year period and this drop coincides with a decrease in consumption of dairy products. The result? Most Canadians don’t get enough calcium. For instance, 66% of teenage boys, 86% of teenage girls and more than 73% of adult women are not getting enough calcium every day. Calcium is crucial for maintaining bone health as well as keeping your heart beating and blood pressure normal. It also helps your muscles contract and relax, your blood clot and your nerve cells communicate.
Milk, cheese and yogurt naturally provide calcium that your body absorbs well. Enjoying them each day, throughout life, can help you meet your essential nutrient needs, especially those that many Canadians have trouble meeting. This includes calcium, of course, but also five other essential nutrients that many of us lack in our diet, namely vitamin D, vitamin A, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Very few foods provide as much calcium in one serving and in a form that your body can absorb so well. For example, you would have to eat 8 cups of spinach or 8 cups of kidney beans to obtain the amount of calcium found in a single glass of milk. While other foods can provide calcium, studies show that in reality, people who eat few or no dairy products often have a diet that’s lacking in calcium.
Calcium please
You probably already know that you need calcium for strong bones, but did you know that 99% of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones and teeth? In a sense, bones and teeth act like a calcium bank. If you don’t get enough calcium every day from your diet, your body will take it from your bones. That’s why eating calcium-rich foods daily throughout your life is important. Milk products like milk, yogurt, and cheese provide calcium that is easily absorbed by your body and other essential nutrients, including complete protein and vitamin D – all important for bone health, regardless of your age.
How does cow’s milk compare to plant-based beverages?
The nutritional value of plant-based beverages can vary substantially from one brand and variety to the next, and it is important to know that not all plant-based beverages are nutritionally comparable. Most fortified plant-based beverages have significantly less protein per serving than cow’s milk. In addition, the calcium naturally present in cow’s milk is often better absorbed by our body than the calcium added to fortified plant-based beverages. Some research also shows that up to 40% of the calcium added to plant-based beverages can stick to the bottom of the container even if it is shaken vigorously.
How to avoid a calcium deficiency?
A calcium deficiency often goes unnoticed because a blood or urine test won’t tell you if you are deficient in this critical nutrient. The calcium in your blood is tightly controlled to provide a constant supply to help your body work. If calcium is in short supply, your body will take calcium from your bones and, over time, your bones will slowly get weak and be more likely to break. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to consume calcium-rich foods every day throughout your life.
Where is dairy in the Food Guide?
Milk, cheese and yogurt are included in the protein foods category of Canada’s Food Guide. Along with vegetables, fruit, whole grains and other protein foods, milk products are among the foods that form the foundation for healthy eating and that Canada’s Food Guide recommends we consume on a regular basis. In addition to providing protein, milk products also offer a unique set of nutrients, setting them apart from other sources of protein.
Eat well every day
Milk products are nutritious, affordable, accessible and versatile. Along with vegetables, fruit, whole grains and other protein foods, they are part of a healthy diet, so make sure to consume them every day! In addition to consuming them as is, you can also feel good about including them in recipes for your whole family to enjoy. To discover tasty, nourishing recipes that include milk, cheese and yogurt, be sure to have a look at our recipes.
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